Sunday, November 1, 2009

20 x 30 Art poster

Painting: Sunil Sil

Painting: Shuvaprasanna

Photograph: Pabitra Das

Painting: Sunil Sil

Photograph: Pabitra Das

Painting: Aditya Basak

Painting: Jogen Chowdhury

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exhibition catalogues, cards and page layouts

Front cover and inside page layout of a
brochure on abstract art show

UV coating on bold type against matte black background
made the cover unique when
the hollow squares add color.
It's an example of simplicity that works.


The butterfly effect
Invitation card for an exhibition on abstract art

Mind's journey
Invitation card for an exhibition by young artists

Retour en Inde
Exhibition catalogue of paintings by Shahabuddin,
an artist fromBangladesh.

Gopal Ghosh show
A clever use of the artist's signature on the cover.

Inaugural catalogue of Ganges Art Gallery
Cover and inside page layout.

Constructing the present
Cover of a group show brochure.